Wizyta brazyliskiej badaczki Giancarli Brunetto
W dniach 15.01-23.10.2018 w Instytucie Badań nad Kulturą na Wydziale Filologicznym UG
odbędzie się wizyta
Giancarli Brunetto z Brazylii
z Uniwersytetu w Bradze w Portugalii
Scientific mission Education, human rights and cultural studies.
Brazil’s utopia: from image to reality between democracy and dictatorship.
Wszystkie spoktania i zajęcia z Giancarlą Brunetto odbywać się będą w języku angielskim.
Programme/ Szczegółowy program:
Keynote speaker: Giancarla Brunetto Cultural producer and coordinator of Human Rights League, Faculty of Education/ Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Doctorate researcher in Ethics and Political Philosophy, member of the Philosophical and Humanistic Center of Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences/Portuguese Catholic University, Braga, Portugal.
- January 19, 01 to 04 p.m. - Seminar: Living or leaving liquid times. The utopia of education in human rights. . - Cinedebate – Session 3: documentary Requiem for the American dream (Dir. Jared P. Scott, Kelly Nyks, Peter Hutchison. With Noam Chomsky. Documentary. EUA. 2016. 71.40 min.).
- January 22, 9.45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. - Cinedebate – Session 4: film Samba (Dir. Olivier Nakache, Eric Toledano. Drama/Comedy. France. 2014. 120 min.).
- January 22, 4:30 to 08 p.m. - Cinedebate – Session 5: film Wild tales (Dir. Damián Szifron. Drama/Comedy, Argentina/Spain. 2014. 122 min.).
- January 23, 05 to 08 p.m. - Cinedebate – Session 6: film Before the rain (Dir. Milcho Manchevski. Drama. Macedônia, France, England. 1994.
- 104 min.)
- January 17, 4:45 to 6:15 p.m. - Open Class: The Utopia of solidarity in human rights. Including Howard Roark’s Courtroom speech – movie The Fountainhead (Dir. King Vidor. Drama. EUA. 1949. 5.32 min.).
- January 18, 4 to 8 p.m. - Seminar: Brazil’s utopia: from image to reality between democracy and dictatorship. . - Cinedebate - Session 1: short films The blue hanger (Dir. Giancarla Brunetto. With Adriana Xaplin. Drama. Brasil. 2008. 4.07 min.) The day Dorival faced the guard (Dir. José Pedro Goulart and Jorge Furtado. Drama. Brasil. 1986. 14.48 min.) . - Cinedebate – Session 2: documentary A man signed to die (Dir. Eduardo Coutinho. Brasil, Documentary. 120 min. 1984).
Załącznik | Rozmiar |
list_of_films_with_images.pdf | 570.16 KB |
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short_biographical_note_giancarla_brunetto.pdf | 325.27 KB |