Translation skills exam

1. Name of the course: Translation skills exam


2. Purpose of the course:

a. to verify students' skills in the area of AVT & translation for publishing purposes and Specialised translation

b. to give feedback on strengths and weaknesses in the area of competences acquired by students during their studies


3. Main areas covered during the course:

a. audiovisual translation

b. translation for publishing purposes

c. specialised translation


4. Didactic methods used:

a. practical translation tasks


5. Graduate’s profile:

a. A person aware of their level of competence in individual areas of translation.

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Data publikacji: piątek, 15. Grudzień 2023 - 09:28; osoba wprowadzająca: Ewa Nawrocka Ostatnia zmiana: piątek, 15. Grudzień 2023 - 09:29; osoba wprowadzająca: Ewa Nawrocka