Translation en-pl, pl-en - marketing texts translation module

1. Name of the course: Translation en-pl, pl-en - marketing texts translation module


2. Purpose of the course:

a. to achieve competence in translating marketing texts in contemporary online and offline market settings

b. to equip students with reliable source-based research skills for them to assess the quality of the marketing text translations in accordance with TS standards and market practice

c. to enhance students' linguistic competence in terms of language styles, varieties, domain-specific lexis etc. across different types of marketing texts

d. to make students aware of the market demand for creative translation output


3. Main areas covered during the course:

a. fit-for-purpose translation of marketing texts, including slogans, advertisements, product descriptions, company descriptions and consumer surveys, with particular emphasis on creative style and specialised terminology

b. transcreation and functional approach to translation

c. linguistic and cultural awareness enhancement for and through fit-for-purpose marketing content translation


4. Didactic methods used:

a. multimedia presentation with discussion

b. hands-on workshop

c. individual and group translation with discussion

d. text-analysis, incl. translation output analysis


5. Graduate’s profile:

a. The graduate is aware of the challenges and problem-solving methods, which professional translators of marketing content face and apply in real market conditions. They have experienced applying the translation and market-related knowledge, skills, competences and tools, and are aware of the need and ways to continue their professional development throughout their career.

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Data publikacji: czwartek, 14. Grudzień 2023 - 13:33; osoba wprowadzająca: Ewa Nawrocka Ostatnia zmiana: piątek, 15. Grudzień 2023 - 08:22; osoba wprowadzająca: Ewa Nawrocka