Practical Polish usage

1. Name of the course: Practical Polish usage


2. Purpose of the course:

a. to present and acquaint the students with the heterogeneity of Polish language

b. to consolidate and expand students' knowledge about practical Polish usage


3. Main areas covered during the course:

a. sociolects and professional jargons

b. colloquial register vs formal register

c. spoken register vs written register

d. most recent changes in punctuation and spelling in Polish

e. functional styles


4. Didactic methods used:

a. discussion of case studies

b. analysis of texts

c. presentation of key problems

d. individual assignments


5. Graduate’s profile:

a. A person who can choose an appropriate functional style in a particular communicative act, and observes applicable punctuation and spelling rules in Polish.

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Data publikacji: czwartek, 14. Grudzień 2023 - 13:22; osoba wprowadzająca: Ewa Nawrocka Ostatnia zmiana: czwartek, 14. Grudzień 2023 - 13:22; osoba wprowadzająca: Ewa Nawrocka