Practical English usage

1. Name of the course: Practical English usage


2. Purpose of the course:

a. to intensify the comprehensive learning of the four basic language skills of English at an advanced level, with C1+ as the final level

b. to work on the correct use and expansion of lexis and general phraseology in combination with selected grammatical topics

c. to teach the art of reading and listening with comprehension, including texts of various origins

d. to enhance oral production skills


3. Main areas covered during the course:

a. deepened knowledge of grammatical and lexical units, as well as advanced reading, listening and speaking skills

b. syntactic features of academic texts in English and their grammatical structures

c. language of scholarly texts, sentence logic, critical data analysis, plagiarism


4. Didactic methods used:

a. text analysis with discussion

b. task-based communicative method

c. individual and group work with authentic materials

d. problem solving


5. Graduate’s profile:

a. The graduate has C1+ mastery of the four basic language skills of English and has learned the intricacies of how the language systems of Polish and English differ; they have also developed public speaking skills, incl. persuasion; they are able to be critical of their own and others' statements.

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Data publikacji: czwartek, 14. Grudzień 2023 - 13:21; osoba wprowadzająca: Ewa Nawrocka Ostatnia zmiana: piątek, 15. Grudzień 2023 - 08:08; osoba wprowadzająca: Ewa Nawrocka