Wykład Profesora Dilwyna Knoxa
Instytut Anglistyki i Amerykanistyki
zaprasza na wykład otwarty
prof. Dilwyna Knoxa z University College, London.
Wykład zatytułowany
Copernicus and Renaissance Natural Philosophy
zostanie wygłoszony w języku angielskim 10 maja 2016 o godzinie 9.45
w sali 021 w budynku Neofilologii, ul. Wita Stwosza 51.
Professor Dilwyn Knox’s teaching and research focus on Renaissance Studies, particularly Renaissance philosophy and learning, education, cosmology and Copernicanism. He has published articles and books in these fields and has won fellowships, research awards and travel grants in the UK, Germany and the USA, including three years in Germany as Humboldt Fellow at the Institut für Geistesgeschichte des Humanismus of Munich University and two years as Mellon Teaching Fellow and Lecturer in the Humanities at Columbia University, New York. His research over the past ten years has focused on cosmology in the sixteenth and early seventeenth century, with special focus on Marsilio Ficino, Copernicus and Giordano Bruno; and he is currently working on a volume outlining the essential features of Bruno’s philosophy.
Professor Knox began his career as a teacher soon after completing his first degree, when he worked as a volunteer for two years at St Xavier’s School, Kairiru Island, Papua New Guinea with Voluntary Service Overseas. He is a fluent speaker of Italian and has taught a variety of courses at both BA and MA level, in both languages and history departments, including European Intellectual History, 1200-1600; The European "discovery” of the New World; The Renaissance; World War I; Ancient History; Latin translation and Italian.