Wykłady gościnne profesora Jakoba Leimgrubera z Uniwersytetu w Ratyzbonie

Zapraszamy serdecznie na dwa wykłady gościnne profesora Jakoba Leimgrubera (Uniwersytet w Ratyzbonie, Niemcy), który będzie gościł na Wydziale Filologicznym w dniach 22.03-06.04.2025.

  1. Wykład otwarty 27.03.2025 (czwartek); 13.15-14.45;  259

Tytuł: The Outer Circle of World Englishes: Singapore as a case study

Krótki abstrakt: The study of World Englishes is less than half a century old, and has developed considerably in that time. In this lecture, I will present the foundations of the discipline and the various models that have been used to capture the varieties in which English is spoken globally. I then turn to the Southeast Asian country of Singapore as a case study of how such models can be meaningfully applied to individual varieties.

  1. Wykład otwarty 31.03.2025 (poniedziałek); 11.30-13.00;  024 

Tytuł: Multilingual linguistic landscapes: English and others in Montreal, Singapore, and Dubai

Krótki abstrakt: The public space is filled with written language: road and traffic signs, advertising, building names, even texts on recycling bins can combine to form the linguistic landscape (LL) of a given location. The systematic study of the LL is a recent development and has potential for informing us about language dynamics in a given situation. In this talk, I look at three case studies in which English interacts in interesting ways other languages. The LL can offer insights into the realities and the management of multilingualism in a given context.

You are cordially invited to two guest lectures by Professor Jakob Leimgruber (University of Regensburg, Germany), who will be visiting the Faculty of Philology from March 22 to April 6, 2025.

  1.  27.03.2025 (Thursday); 13.15-14.45; 259

Title: The outer circle of world languages: Singapore as a case study

Brief abstract: The study of World Englishes is less than half a century old and has evolved considerably in that time. In this lecture, I will outline the foundations of the discipline and the various models that have been used to capture varieties of English around the world. I will then turn to Singapore, a Southeast Asian country, as a case study of how such models can be meaningfully applied to particular varieties.

  1.  31.03.2025 (Monday); 11.30-13.00; 024

Title: Multilingual linguistic landscapes: English and other languages in Montreal, Singapore and Dubai

Brief abstract: Public space is filled with written language: road signs, advertisements, building names and even text on recycling bins can together form the linguistic landscape (LL) of a place. The systematic study of the linguistic landscape is a recent development and has the potential to inform us about the dynamics of language in a given situation. In this lecture, I will look at three case studies in which English interacts with other languages in interesting ways. LL can offer insights into the reality and management of multilingualism in a given context.

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Data publikacji: środa, 29. Styczeń 2025 - 14:32; osoba wprowadzająca: Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka Ostatnia zmiana: środa, 5. Marzec 2025 - 13:42; osoba wprowadzająca: Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka