Wykład gościnny profesora Richarda Jasona Whitta z Uniwersytetu w Nottingham

Zapraszamy serdecznie na wykład gościnny profesora Richarda Jasona Whitta z Uniwersytetu w Nottingham

pod tytułem "Corpus Linguistic Explorations of Historical Medical Discourse and Expressions of Knowledge".

Prelegent jest laureatem konkursu "Profesorowie wizytujący UG" (IDUB UG).

Wykład odbędzie się w czwartek 20 kwietnia o 9.45 do auli 021 w budynku Neofilologii Wydziału Filologicznego, ul. Wita Stwosza 51.

Językiem wykładu będzie angielski, aczkolwiek część z prezentowanych badań będzie też dotyczyła języka niemieckiego.


Abstrakt:Corpus Linguistic Explorations of Historical Medical Discourse and Expressions of Knowledge

In this talk I will highlight some of the work I’ve been doing on historical medical discourse in English and German, particularly related to how expressions of knowledge have changed over time. Since the Early Modern period, older scholastic models of medicine – which was text-based and held that the writings of antiquity provided the most optimal source of medical knowledge – have been replaced by more empirical models, focusing on one’s own observation and analysis. Since these changes concern the values attached to different types of knowledge, these changes can be traced in changing textual-linguistic practices in medical discourse related to how epistemic meaning is expressed. I begin with an exploration of how expressions of evidentiality – the linguistic realisation of one’s knowledge source concerning an utterance – have changed since the Early Modern period. Then, I home in on the phenomenon of metadiscourse and how the author and translator(s) of one particular sixteenth-century text decide to structure their text and guide their readers’ attention throughout the text. Finally, I conclude the discussion with an exploration of the idea of epistemic space and how a function-to-form approach enables us to account for the widest range of knowledge-based meaning possible.

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Data publikacji: poniedziałek, 17. Kwiecień 2023 - 12:10; osoba wprowadzająca: Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka Ostatnia zmiana: poniedziałek, 17. Kwiecień 2023 - 12:14; osoba wprowadzająca: Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka