AVT & translation for publishing purposes en-pl, pl-en - translation for publishing module

1. Name of the course: AVT & translation for publishing purposes en-pl, pl-en - translation for publishing module


2. Purpose of the course:

a. to develop practical translation strategies of written translation in four domains of translation for publishing and audiovisual purposes: belles-lettres,

popular and children's literature, essay and non-fiction, audiovisual translation

b. to plant in students' mind translation quality standards and the need to continuously develop their linguistic and cultural competences

c. to make students learn how to justify their translation choices with the use of the metalanguage of Translation Studies

d. to keep students abreast of the latest software solutions for AVT


3. Main areas covered during the course:

a. audio-visual translation (featuring audio description and subtitling)

b. non-fiction

c. popular and children literature

d. literary translation


4. Didactic methods used:

a. critical text analysis

b. project-based method with market expert advice

c. individual and group translation tasks followed by moderated discussion

d. problem solving


5. Graduate’s profile:

a. The graduate knows how to successfully apply translation strategies relevant to particular subfields of translations for publishing and AVT and how to justify their choices. They are sensitive to digital exclusion and know how to take different roles in a project team. They know how to use software for subtitling, audio description and film editing.

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Data publikacji: czwartek, 14. Grudzień 2023 - 13:27; osoba wprowadzająca: Ewa Nawrocka Ostatnia zmiana: piątek, 15. Grudzień 2023 - 08:15; osoba wprowadzająca: Ewa Nawrocka