AVT & translation for publishing purposes en-pl, pl-en - audio description module

1.    Name of the course: AVT & translation for publishing purposes en-pl, pl-en - audio description module

2.    Purpose of the course:
a.    for students to master the principles and methods of creating fit-for-purpose audio description, i.e. verbal description of audiovisual material
for the visually impaired, and subtitling for the hearing impaired
b.    to make students aware of the digital exclusion threat of persons with disabilities and of translator's role in counteracting it
c.    to enhance students' linguistic competence (language precision and correctness, challenges of spoken language)
d.    to familiarize students with the stages of project implementation, roles in the project, project management, incl. communication with university authorities and external entities

3.    Main areas covered during the course:
a.    audio description types, standards and techniques; AD-related legal provisions and market reality
b.    IT tools and applications for video editing, sound recording, subtitling of the hard of hearing, project-related communication
c.    accuracy of description of characters, moves, landscapes; dialogue translation
d.    project management, incl. reporting and documentation

4.    Didactic methods used:
a.    multimedia presentation with discussion
b.    hands-on workshop 
c.    individual and group performed AD script creation, translation, proof-reading, sound and video editing    

5.    Graduate’s profile:
a.    The graduate is aware of the challenges, standards, guide-lines and tools, which professional audio visual translators and audio describers face and apply in real market conditions. They have experienced creating an audio description script and applying ICT tools supporting the technical aspects of audio description and event organization. They are sensitive to digital needs of blind and deaf persons. They understand the need to continuously develop competences related to their mother tongue.

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Data publikacji: czwartek, 14. Grudzień 2023 - 18:44; osoba wprowadzająca: Ewa Nawrocka Ostatnia zmiana: piątek, 15. Grudzień 2023 - 08:25; osoba wprowadzająca: Ewa Nawrocka