Konferencja studencka Voice(s) of America

Koło naukowe amerykanistyki “Route 66” serdecznie zaprasza na konferencję naukową pod tytułem ,,Voice(s) of America”, która odbędzie się na wydziale neofilologicznym Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego 11 kwietnia 2018 roku. Wszystkich chętnych na wygłoszenie 15 minutowych referatów prosimy o nadsyłanie streszczeń (ok. 250 słów) do 11 marca 2018 roku na adres americanstudygroup@gmail.com


  • dr hab. Jean Ward, nadzw
  • dr Grzegorz Welizarowicz
  • mgr Justyna Stiepanow, Koło naukowe “Route 66”

            Voice(s)in our established definition of the term is (are) generally confined to the sphere of utterances, produced when we excite our vocal folds by aerodynamic phenomena, which find their exit through the mouth. Although we doappreciate the complexity of the human voice, as well as the multitude of ways that people are able to generate different sounds, we shall leave delving into the meanderings of otolaryngology to its specialists.
The spoken/verbal aspect of our everyday existence renders automatic associations of ‘voice’ with the mouth giving it supremacy. With the mouth as the central instrument of communication we no longer question other means of producing our ‘voice(s)’ except by this means. What about the meaning of ‘voice’ as an expression of feelings or opinions? Don’t we express ourselves through our body language, our sense of fashion, the particular books we read, making conscious choices with regards to all aspects of living, and the list goes on? How about trying to define ‘voice’ as an imperceptible force that directs a person, in the context of insanity? But voices, whatever meaning you give them, do not operate in a vacuum; there is always the relation between a “sender” and a “receiver.” The verbal needs to be audible, i.e. the spoken needs to be heard.
Our intention is to problematize the notion of ‘voice’, to look at an already established and standardized definition, and make it the object of examination and reflection. To use Audrey Lorde’s terminology, we would like to “dismantle” the everyday focus on the mouth as the only legitimate means of producing voice, and invite you to an interdisciplinary discussion on “Voice(s) of America”.
We will explore various subjects connected to the concept of the voice. Beginning with the exploration of the quieted voices of America’s minorities, through sounds of music to problems in the area of political science. If you share our interests, feel free to join us at the conference. We would like to invite master’s degree and doctoral students in particular.
The conference is due to take place on 11th April 2018, at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Gdansk, and is organized by the students research group “Route 66,” under the supervision of professor Jean Ward, Grzegorz Welizarowicz, PhD, and Justyna Stiepanow, MA, from the Institute of English and American Studies. 
Proposals for 15-minute papers should be sent by email by March 11th, 2018 to: americanstudygroup@gmail.com
Please include the following information:
• the full title of your paper;
• a 200-word abstract of your paper;
• your name and e-mail address;
• your institutional affiliation;
• a short bionote.
Notification of acceptance: before 18 March 2018
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Data publikacji: czwartek, 15. luty 2018 - 13:28; osoba wprowadzająca: Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka Ostatnia zmiana: piątek, 23. luty 2018 - 13:05; osoba wprowadzająca: Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka